awe is the beginning of philosophy. that is why if toddlers were reasonable enough, they could have been the greatest philosophers in the 3rd planet called earth. why? because they are always amazed of the things around them. how many people are amazed when it rains? all of the students maybe coz classes are postponed. but who would give a damn in reflecting how wonderful is the rain. tiny droplets one-by-one drop to the earth in a synchronize movement.. that out from the atmosphere water could be made. from these, one could doubt why the does not the rain come down in a big splash instead of tiny droplets? why does it taste like the tap water.. not coke?
as men grow old, awe is brainwashed from their minds. why? because one is afraid to look into the mysteries of life itself.
one says that awe is just for kids.
one says that awe is just for kids.
now, think again. awe will lead one to authentic living.