"an unexamined life is not worth living."
have you ever thought of a probability of you just being in a deep sleep? that all that happens to you is just a dream? there is no existence really? that you are just in the mind of God? how could you be sure that you are an existing being?
the above quotation is one of the most renowned words of wisdom of Socrates. the master philosopher of the ancient period. he has thought that knowing what is in the world, what consists of the world(like the scientists are doing now) are a waste of time. a lot of people nowadays would just go with the flow of human race. the environment dictates what must one do. if one does not do this and that he/she would be excommunicated from the community. a lot of people nowadays just survive but not live. a lot of people nowadays could not stop for awhile and think of life as a gift from god. most of the people nowadays eat money. money. and still money. they are just concerned in living. eating, working, shitting. what good does that do?
there are words that when you spell them backwards they would give you a new word. one of those words is live.. try to spell it backwards? L-I-V-E when spelled backwards is??? E-V-I-L! another word, L-I-V-E-D.. = DEVIL. when life is not lived it is taken away by the devil. when you live a routinary and a "circle" kind of life. it is better that you live not! but the question is how to live a life?
i have recently watched an animated movie entitled Wall-E. it won the Oscars by the way. it's setting is in a new world created by man in which everything is automated. all you have to do is sit and poof! everything is done by robots.. (someday, this would be our fate!) it is a place where all people are fat. and then they have seen life again in the planet earth! Eureka! they went back to earth and explored new vistas in living a life. a life that is HARD. a life that is DIFFICULT. remember that. life's synonym is suffering! whether you like it or you like it not, life is a struggle. that is what Jesus Christ has shown us when He died on the Cross. We must endure all sufferings so that we would be resurrected with Him in Heaven.
We must swim against the current so that our true potentiality will truly come out and because of the we may radiate our true selves!
Think again! have you lived your life?